Форум » Тема дня » Проголосуйте против зверского отношения к собакам в Китае » Ответить

Проголосуйте против зверского отношения к собакам в Китае

Natalia: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/385/415/689/stand-against-brutal-chinese-dog-trade/?z00m=20380794 Target: Chinese Legislators Sponsored by: Chris Wolverton The Chinese practice of eating dog meat is widely considered taboo, but many believe it is no worse than eating any other type of animal. Unfortunately, the dogs used in the Chinese dog meat trade endure great suffering during transport and are blugeoned nearly to death with metal bars before being sold to a customer. Recently, animal rights activists documented a truck carrying 500 dogs to market. Shocking photos show the dogs crammed tightly into cages with their heads and bodies shoved against metal bars. Because of the extreme heat and horrible conditions, some of the dogs were already dead. The activists attempted to stop the truck and save the dogs, but were attacked by thugs. Cramped, hot, unsanitary conditions and brutal slaughter are typical of the Chinese dog meat trade. These loving, loyal animals deserve to be treated humanely. Please urge Chinese legislators to end cruel and brutal transportation and slaughter practices used in the Chinese dog meat trade.

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